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January 2020

Product Design


Suspension Lamp

→ Suspension lamp is a luminaire made of stainless steel and glass. It is a combination of standardized parts, an Ikea vase, turned parts and bent sheet metal.

Some Sketches


I knew I wanted the lamp to appear as a floating cylinder surrounded by a glass rim and hung on a very distinctive stainless steel clamp. The glass was drilled – or rather sanded – out with a diamond-tipped can drill. The clamp was designed and sent to the manufacturing unit within a few hours. It was laser-cut from stainless V2 and bent with great precision to the desired angels. In order to connect a steel cable to the construction, a cylinder made of V2 with a centered hole was threaded at both ends. Thanks to the high-precision machining, everything came together nicely.

Glass cutting experiments
clamp cad
Clamp in CAD
lathe from side
Making connection cylinder

Conclusion & Afterlife

After the project was finished, I had a very decent looking lamp. Nice. However, as mentioned earlier, this was never the ultimate intention of this project. From a different perspective, I gained practical experience with manufacturing methods that are going to accompany me in future projects.

suspension lamp close up
Suspension Lamp Close Up
floating lamp


Designed and developed by Leo Mühlfeld. Machining support by Matthias Pfeffer and Ben Schneider.